• An experienced outsider can often see solutions managers have missed or are doubting.
  • If you lose your keys in the park, there is no point in looking for them in the kitchen just because there is a light there.
  • "Do unto others as you would like them to do to you" - Apostle Luke
  • "If your dreams don't scare you, they aren't big enough" - Mohammed Ali


Kevin is the sort of person who likes to travel on the top deck of London buses – front and left. He doesn’t much like the Underground. He doesn’t particularly care about shaving 20 to 30 minutes off each end of the daily commute. He likes tree branches crashing within inches of his face. He likes being able to peer into shops, offices and people’s kitchens. He marvels at how the sloping angle of the top deck compensates for the camber of the road and the bus invariably misses lampposts, road signs and other hazards by tiny margins. Kevin likes to see what’s ahead, beside and below. Getting his bearings and seeing how he fits in. He doesn’t like cocooning himself by listening to music (not even Boz Scaggs or The Rolling Stones). He might read but it probably won’t be work related. Mainly, commuting time is for thinking, dreaming and re-setting the mind.

“If your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough” - Mohammed Ali

Many people waste time and energy climbing the wrong mountains. If you want to head due north, you are far better heading cautiously in that direction at 5 mph than heading northwest at 100 mph. You need focus.

“Creativity is intelligence having fun” - Albert Einstein

People at all levels occasionally need their strategies re-enforced or their compasses reset. An experienced outsider can often see solutions managers have missed or are doubting.

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage” - Anais Nin

If you lose your keys in the park there is no point in looking for them in the kitchen just because there is a light there. Time spent thinking, planning and listening, is time well spent.

“Do to others as you would like them to do to you” - Luke 6:31

Things should be done properly. You should be able to rely on lawyers to do a good job. They should not allow themselves to compromise quality for cost or speed. Quality should always be a given.

“It takes a tremendous amount of fortitude to be able to live in this world as a woman, let alone a woman who wants things to change” - Kathleen Hanna

“Why” is a better question than “what” or “how”. Don't be afraid to ask or answer it. Understand motivation and you understand the person or the job. There may be many “how” and “what” solutions. There will be less “why” solutions. It is worth figuring out WHY somebody wants a particular job done.

“You gotta have a dream,
If you don’t have a dream,
How you gonna have a dream come true?” - Rodgers & Hammerstein, South Pacific

If one well known slogan describes Kevin it would be “Just Do It!”

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